Articulated 3-Dimensional CMM

Model Lineup

NEW!!  BeakMaster series

Anyone can easily perform 3D measurement.
Suitable for small workpieces. 
Max. probing range
(In case of VBK100S)
(our standard)
Measuring accuracy:2σ  ±0.015mm

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VMC series

This series is an articulated three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine able to move even on complicated 3D free-form surfaces smoothly at will, allowing anyone to make accurate measurements with ease.

Max. probing range
(In case of VMC8000M)
X-axis: 3500 mm
Y-axis: 3500 mm
Z-axis: 3275 mm
(our standard)
Repeatability of fixed points: 2 σ  0.019 mm
Measuring accuracy: 2 σ  0.034 mm

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VSC series

Vertical move of column is allowed, built with VMC series, so that VSC series are suitable for measuring large-size work pieces.

Max. probing range
(In case of VSC3726M)
X-axis: 3500mm
Y-axis: 1750mm
Z-axis: 3770mm
Column traverse range 1500 mm
(our standard)
Repeatability: 2 σ  0.03 mm
Measuring accuracy: 2 sigma;  0.04 mm

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Inquiry Form

Inquiries by phone

(+81) 3-5812-2011

FAX (+81) 3-5812-2015

【Hours available】Monday to Friday. 8:30am to 17:10pm.